Michigan Association of Health Plans

What you need to know about Medicaid now

This article was posted on the Molina Healthcare blog. Read the full article here

If you’ve had Medicaid for a while, you may think you know all about it. But the COVID-19 pandemic brought some changes. Below is a summary of basic Medicaid details, plus new information to help you make the most of your health coverage.

What is Medicaid? Are you eligible?
Medicaid is a government assistance program that helps adults pay for medical care and services. The program for children is called Children’s Health Insurance Program or CHIP. State and federal governments manage these programs together. They were created to make sure no one skips needed care because they can’t afford it.

How much does Medicaid cost?
Many Medicaid members pay nothing. Others are responsible for small copayments. Your cost depends on your finances, the size of your family and where you live.

Who qualifies for Medicaid?
Each state has their own rules, but some things are true across the country. For example, eligibility always depends on income and how close it is to the Federal Poverty Level. Also, you must be a U.S. Citizen or qualified immigrant, and you have to be a resident of the state where you apply.

People who are likely to qualify include for Medicaid include:

  • 65 or older
  • Under 19 years old
  • Pregnant
  • Living with a disability or
  • A parent or adult caring for a child

How do I apply for Medicaid?
You can apply for Medicaid any time of year. You can start by visiting MolinaHealthcare.com or the website of any other organization that offers Medicaid. You can also check out a government website like Benefits.gov.

I already have Medicaid—do I need to renew?
Yes! Medicaid renewals were automatic from 2020 through 2022. But now members need to ensure they’re enrolled in Medicaid or could lose coverage. To check that you’re covered, it’s important to contact your state’s Medicaid agency or your Medicaid carrier.

What if I no longer qualify for Medicaid?
Even if you don’t qualify, you may be eligible for financial assistance with other coverage, such as a Marketplace (Obamacare) health plan.

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