Michigan Association of Health Plans

You’re Aging Off of Your Parents’ Health Insurance Plan. Now What?

As you approach the age of 26, you’re probably thinking about finding a place to live or the next steps in your career. The last thing on your mind is health insurance – for the most part you’re healthy, right?

One of the most important things you need to take care of once you turn 26 and age out of your parents’ insurance plan is making sure you’re covered through a health insurance plan of your own.

Why do you need health insurance if you’re young and healthy? You might be thinking that the added expense isn’t worth the trouble, but enrolling in a plan is more affordable and easier than you may think, and will have you covered in case of any unforeseen medical expenses. Here’s what you need to know, whether you’re enrolling in an employer-based plan or purchasing your own individual insurance plan.

This article originally appeared in ThinkHealth, read more here.