Michigan Association of Health Plans

Request for Proposal: Strategic Planning Facilitator

This letter invites your interest in the search process for a consultant to lead the development of a strategic plan for the Michigan Association of Health Plans.

The Michigan Association of Health Plans (MAHP) requests proposals from interested, experienced consulting firms that can demonstrate reasonable knowledge of the topics and issues facing member Health Plans. Proposals are required by the close of business on September 12, 2024.

The Michigan Association of Health Plans (MAHP) is a non-profit 501 C(6) organization located in Lansing, Michigan. MAHP’s mission is to provide leadership for the promotion and advocacy of high-quality, affordable, equitable, and accessible healthcare for the people of Michigan. The Board of Delegates is comprised of representatives from eleven (11) member Health Plans. More information about MAHP can be found online at www.mahp.org

Scope and Requirements
MAHP is seeking an experienced strategic planning firm to design and lead an annual strategic planning process. The strategic plan will articulate MAHP’s vision, mission and values. It will include goals, objectives and tactics to guide the organization.

MAHP is seeking a consultant who can:

  1. Meet with MAHP staff in September 2024 to construct an agreed upon strategic planning process.
  2. Survey MAHP Health Plan membership identified by MAHP staff to identify key activities and resources that are most valuable to MAHP members.
  3. Facilitate a strategic planning session (October 7, 2024) with key health plan leadership and MAHP staff.
  4. Review and revise, as necessary, the mission, vision, and values.
  5. Facilitate the identification of key objectives and related measurables for each objective.
  6. Draft and present a new annual strategic plan to the MAHP Board of Directors (November 6, 2024) for adoption by the board.
  7. Produce a final strategic plan objective tracking document (late November 2024) for use by MAHP staff.
  8. Survey MAHP Board Delegates to evaluate satisfaction with member services and value provided by MAHP (December).

The location, cost and expenses of the strategic planning session will be coordinated through MAHP. MAHP will secure meeting locations and related virtual capabilities for the October strategic planning session and the November Board presentation – costs will be borne by MAHP and should not be included in responses to this request.

Proposal Requirements
Your response to his Request for Proposal is to contain the elements itemized below, though not necessarily in this order. The number of pages is not to exceed ten (10) using 12-point font.

  • Brief history of your firm, including mission statement or equivalent philosophical statement about the purpose of your firm; number of years in business; number of employees.
  • Description of your experience as it applies to conducting a strategic planning process with trade associations and generally.
  • Narrative describing your ability to deliver the required services by the deadline.
  • Time-lined plan and methodology of activities, with specification of critical milestones.
  • Names and addresses of three business references or key clients who have experience with your firm in delivering strategic planning services.
  • Verification, in any form, that demonstrates your firm’s knowledge of Health Plans and the issues facing them in Michigan.
  • Identification of personnel assigned to this project; include resumes for each and specify the role of each as it relates to this project.
  • Provide your proposed quote for services as described for this project. At a minimum please provide an estimation of anticipated hours, materials, and overall expected expense.

All communication, oral and written, should be addressed to Dominick Pallone, Executive Director. Mr. Pallone can be reached at (517) 371-3181, or via email at [email protected], or via mail at Michigan Association of Health Plans, 327 Seymour Ave., Lansing, MI 48993.

Proposal Submission

Submission deadline: Proposal must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 12, 2024. Electronic submissions prefered.

All submissions in response to this request should be addressed to:
Dominick Pallone, Executive Director
Michigan Association of Health Plans
327 Seymour Ave.
Lansing, MI 48933

Submission questions and clarifications can be directed to:
Dominick Pallone
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (517) 371-3181

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